

Collection: River, Stream, Lake and Sea

Official Introduction:

River, Stream, Lake and Sea - The Lift of a Spirited Fish  |  江河湖海,做一尾热情的鱼
Blog: Life Passion: A Swimming Lesson
YouTube: River, Stream, Lake and Sea

In this vivacious glasswork collection, a sense of determination and liveliness emerges from the effervescence of the crystal works’ bubbles.  From a simple statement of desktop koi fish to the awe-inspiring dragons that evolve from the leaping fish of legend, this art collection bespeaks incredible life force and vitality.  Inspired by both the fine art representations of fish in culture as well as the animal’s ever-progressing and constantly forward-moving nature, artists create a work of many hidden layers and depths.  In River, Stream Lake and Sea—all four types of natural bodies of water are used to represent the many ways of life and our ever-moving persistence through the hardships of the world.

Related Collection:

Unstoppable Faith  |  Emergence of the Dragon  Dancing Blooms, Flying Fish, Spring Lights Converge  |  Arising from the East